3Dponics Posts

3D Print Companies Fabricating Tomorrow
Will your next pair of high-performance running shoes be printed rather than pieced together? Could your next home be built with a 3D-print head instead in addition to hammer and nails? Those are just two exciting possibilities in a world increasingly fabricated by 3D printers. These seven companies are on the leading edge of technology […]

4 Common Plant Infestations that Can Ruin Your Hydroponics Garden
Despite your best efforts to manage temperature, oxygen and nutrients, plants in your hydroponics system can and do die. Your plant might be full of life, vibrant with colour, one day, and wilting and washed out the very next. This is because plant infestations are inevitable. While you can’t fully prevent them, it helps to […]
Technology is Transforming Agriculture. Here’s How
As the world’s population speeds toward the 9 billion mark and the land available for agriculture remains static, one subject that’s on many experts’ minds is food security. Fears are further compounded by climate change, degradation of finite natural resources, and unsustainable farming practices. Fortunately, technology is once again playing the role of change agent […]

Smart CAD API SaaS Platform for 3D-Printing
API Platform for 3D-Printing The team behind 3Dponics and 3Dprintler, launches CAD.ai, the most robust SaaS-based API for CAD/CAM industry. CAD.ai smart APIs for 3D-printing industry perform better than any product on the market today. The current focus is on securing early adopters and developing more APIs. Take advantage of this, use your chance to unlock the full […]

3D Printers – The Next Disruptive Technology
Guest post by Jerry Mooney Most of us have heard of 3D printers by now, even if we’ve never actually seen one. We generally have a basic idea that there is a machine that can make things, much like a printer reproduces ink images on paper, but with dimensions. Even though we might basically know […]

The World’s First 3D Printed Car is Highway Ready
It has been traditionally believed that cars are expensive to produce, due to the fact that we have been producing them in the same way since 1915. Thousands of individual parts are painstakingly put together in assembly lines. However, the cars of the future do not have to undergo this expensive process. Automobile designers and […]

3Dponics in Hong Kong: Attending the Symposium on Advanced 3D-Printing Technology
“Hey Charlie, do you want to go to Hong Kong?” Talk about a cool way to be greeted on a Monday morning at the office! So how exactly did this come about? Michael, the CEO of 3Dponics, had been invited to speak at the Hong Kong Productivity Council’s Symposium on Advanced 3D Printing Technology and […]

The M3D Micro Makes 3D Printers a Household Staple
Welcome back, readers! Today we’ll be gushing about a new 3D printer that we’ve had the wonderful opportunity of working with and that, we have to say, were extremely impressed with! The M3D Micro 3D Printer, which holds the title of the largest 3D printer Kickstarter ever, is such an exciting and accessible technology that […]

Marijuana Laws Around the World: What You Need to Know
Following the massive reception and interest for 3Dponics endeavours in the medical marijuana industry, it seems like an opportune time to discuss the current state of marijuana legislation in Canada, the U.S. and the rest of the world. Where is marijuana legal and what can it be used for? Which countries have completely outlawed marijuana […]

3Dponics Launches First 3D-Printable Garden for Medical Marijuana
*UPDATE* July 8, 2015 The response to our news has been amazing! And while we’re ecstatic at all the interest and press coverage we’ve received, we feel that the true intent behind the 3Dponics Herb Garden may have been lost or overshadowed by the media. We’d just like to underline the fact that we created […]

3Dponics and OsmoBot: A New Collaboration!
Hello, readers! 3Dponics is pleased to announce a new collaboration with OsmoBot! What exactly will we be doing with them, you ask? As you may already know, one of our major projects is to create efficient hydroponic systems using 3D-printed parts. With the automated monitoring system provided by OsmoBot, you will now be able to […]

Spyder 3D World Enhances Digital Designs for 3Dponics, Offers Parts
Great news! We’ve teamed up with 3D-printing marketplace and community Spyder 3D World to offer you new and improved 3Dponics digital designs. The mechanical engineers at Spyder 3D World have graciously tweaked our original files so that they rest better on the print bed and print more smoothly. The results are awesome, and we’re thrilled […]

3D Printing in the Maker Movement: Inspiring Each Other
The Maker Movement is one of today’s hottest trends, and it’s just beginning to blossom. For those of you who aren’t familiar with the term, the Maker Movement is the collective name given to a growing community of designers, inventors, artists and technology enthusiasts who share the united goal of creating new and innovative technologies. […]

3Dponics Is Growing…Welcome New Team Members!
We’re starting off June with a bang! Two fresh, talented and highly driven are joining us as we continue to grow in the 3D-printing, STEM education and agriculture industries. Heather Dyke: Web Content Writer With a Masters of Communications from the University of Ottawa, coupled with her professional training as a technical writer, Heather is […]

Garden Planning and Maintenance: Pro Tips
Hi everyone! Summer is just around the corner and that means the beginning of planting season–and all the excitement and promise that comes with it. Whether you are new to gardening or an expert greenthumb, we’ve got some useful tips that will help you grow your fresh fruits and vegetables in your very own […]

The Current State of Space Farming
“The first human to live on Mars might not be astronauts, but farmers.” Source: NASA With the world population expected to reach 8.3 billion people in 2030, Earth may no longer be a sustainable planet for its inhabitants. This also means space colonization will no longer be a far-fetched idea for sci-fi novels, rather […]

3D Hubs Integration with Thingiverse: This Changes Everything
There is a lot happening in the world of 3D printing right now—from new 3D printers and materials to game-changing partnerships. And if you’ve browsed the virtual aisles of Thingiverse lately, you probably know exactly what we’re talking about. Chances are, you’ve noticed some changes–namely, a small turquoise 3D Hubs logo hovering over certain Thingiverse […]

3Dponics Wins Prestigious Award at 3D Printing Europe 2015
Hi everyone! In case you missed the title and the picture above, we won the award for Most Successful Application of 3D Printing this year at 3D Printing Europe 2015! Okay okay, so before we get too carried away in our excitement, let us start over by telling you a little bit about this […]

A Closer Look at Human-Scale 3D Printers: The Gigabot
So we’ve been talking a lot about future applications of 3D printing that will inevitably replace mass-produced products. However, most of the 3D printers available on the consumer market are desktop machines, designed to, well, sit on your desk. Now, if you intend to buy a 3D printer solely to print small objects, scaled-down […]

Inside 3D Printing and 3D Design Show 2015: Recap
Hi everyone! We are back from the two trade shows in NYC: Inside 3D Printing and 3D Print Design Show! This year, with thousands of visitors and attendees, we sure had a lot of fun showcasing our 3Dponics models as well as seeing what other companies did. Check out some highlights of the events! […]