Download Parts – 3Dponics Drip System

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One thought on “Download Parts – 3Dponics Drip System

  1. Hi Zoe/3D Ponics,

    Good morning, I have read the descriptions of the 3 different types of Conduits & I am also aware that the Venturi (shortest printing time) is the newest Conduit type.

    I am a noob to Hydroponics.

    *My question: are there any hard data to support the Venturi is “An improved version of the original conduit?”

    p/s: I have sliced all 3 different types of Conduits with CURA & found out that the Venturi’s printing time is ~19 mins vs 25mins for the 2 other Conduit types ( with all CURA settings maintained the same )

    # I have printed the DRIP NOZZLE (3/8 INCH, 3 HOLES) & very much looking forward to print all the other items and then move on to assemble the 3D Ponics Drip system.

    Thank you

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